Though the town of Hoi An is currently a fishing town, it once used to be a trade hub. Either way, the sea continues to play a major role in the life of the people of Hoi An. In the early days when Hoi An was called Fai Fo, the chief article of trade to and f-rom the town consisted mainly of pottery; because of this, international exchange, pottery of different nations, including Chinese, Thai and Japanese, have been discovered. Most of the displays are fragments of what once used to be decorative or other wares and they date back to between the 13th and the 17th centuries. The Museum of Trade Ceramics in Hoi An in its turn is quite helpful and informative, as every article on display comes with a description of its background. There are a total of about 430 ceramic artifacts that stand as a testimony of the ceramic trade network. Visitors are allowed to view the display every day between 8:00am and 5:00pm.